Photography 101: Bliss


The sun shone brightly this morning. In tropical countries like Indonesia, the sunny weather is a bliss! It not only supports your outdoor activities, but also helps your clothes dry quickly, not leaving any damp smell.

17 thoughts on “Photography 101: Bliss

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  1. Wow. I don’t know why but this picture left me speechless.
    The clear sky, the sun, the hanging clothes in which I could see the wind blowing, it’s marvelous, as if there were a lot of feelings contained in this picture.
    Ah, my heart gets warm… :)).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Iya, Mbak Ziza. Harus disyukuri, bukan dijadikan bahan keluhan di medsos *eh* πŸ™‚
      Lho, trus kalau nggak kering gimana, Mbak? Di sana siangnya berapa lama?


      1. 😁😁
        Udah fitrah manusia buat mengeluh Mi..
        Dsni siang udah lumayan lama, jam 7pagi mpe jam 6, tp tetep aja suhu minus. Cucian insyaAllah kering kok Mi, nunggu bbrp hari plus setrika panas😝

        Liked by 1 person

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