Guest Book

Silakan tulis nama dan alamat blog (jika ada) di kolom komentar, supaya bisa saya kunjungi balik bila ada kesempatan :).

Please write your name and blog address (if any) in the comment box, so I can visit you back by any chance :).


61 thoughts on “Guest Book

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      1. jadi ngerasa tua banget…
        padahal kamu masih lebih muda dariku…
        dan sekarang aku baru semester 2

        kok jarang di update blognya?


  1. hehe…
    iya nih, modemku lg rusak, jadinya ga bisa ol sering2…
    lagi buntu ide jg sih, tp diusahain bakal update lg..^^


  2. dear amitokugawa.. maaf ya mi,, komen kamu yg kmarin ni dissapear dr blog aku krna kmrn saat ami ngasih komen, blogger dlm kondisi maintenance n read only.. 🙂 harap dimaklumi ya. thank you 😀


    1. Yeah, indeed. Actually you visited my house several months ago if I’m not mistaken 😀
      Thanks for the invitation, Da. I have visited your new house. It’s pretty good 🙂


  3. Hey Ami, I’m not sure if you remember me or not but I’m sure we’ve crossed path a few years ago. I used to be an admin for suju’s blog 🙂 I also know your sister, Dhila. I have links of friends’ blogs but when i was doing a random blogwalking many of them have been deleted or deactivated until I found yours. It’s nice to see that you’re still active ^^


    1. Hi, Kak Dwee, ofc I remember you 🙂 This blog is still active but I did not post anything since New Year… I have hard time managing this and other blogs, so sorry. 😦
      Yet I glad to read your comment here. I hope you have a geat time 🙂


    1. Iya kaak aku juga baru sadar kita udah lama kenalan ya? Hehe..semoga aja bisa ketemu dalam waktu dekat. Oya, kakak bukannya di jogja ya? Aku ada rencana ke jogja sih akhir juli.

      Oh, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin ya kak, selamat idul fitri..


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